D own the daunting canyon wall…
A lone, intense, too poised to fall!
V ivid sounds accost his ears,
I mplying calls from distant years…
D azzling to the point of tears,
S uch a man is very rare.
U se his counsel, if you dare.
C onnect with Truth through LSD!
E njoy Great Art with senses free!
C an any soul more perfect be?
O tis rules! This canine king
L ords it over everything!
D uring walks, both blocks and miles,
E veryone who sees him smiles.
E verything must be his way.
N eedy guy! He;ll shape your day.
G reat at snuggling… Wide he’ll spread.
L ook out! You’ll need a king-sized bed!
I f visits to the vet loom near…
S how sympathy. He’s feeling fear.
H e’s quite the darling once he’s there!
B lue eyed? Brown eyed? One of each!
U tter bliss…This doggy peach!
L ikes his toys… Those balls of fluff…
L oves hairy Gorrie: (Rough and tough!)
D efends the ladies…(Has their backs.)
O ff he’ll dash to daunt attacks.
G ee! There’s nothing Otis lacks!
H ark! That time of year’s in store…
O ld April’s tapping on your door!
W hich sends you scurrying online
A nd to your portal (It’s so fine!)
R eaching toward that Sage Divine
D ispensing Truth within his shrine.
K aplan-Newman! That’s his name,
A nd crunching numbers brings him fame.
P leasantly he takes your hand,
L eads you into Tax-Prep Land…
A sks how often you’ve been sick…
N egates each contribution trick.
N or shows regard for double-U,
E xcept that one with suffix 2.
W atch his calculator click…
M irthfully, he does his shtick…
A nd chuckles: “Cast away your fear!
N o doubt you’ll owe some more next year!”
E ach decade marches proudly by,
D efining this impressive guy,
W ith mounting layers of acclaim,
A pplauding him, and granting fame.
R egale him loudly as you can…
D ivine septuagenarian!
G reat to watch him on his bike…
R eciting jokes you’ve got to like.
A man whose neatness must impress…
Z ooms in on any hint of mess!
I love him… This I must confess!
E very now and then you’ll find,
N ibbling slyly at your mind,
E xotic puzzles sent your way,
D escending thus to haunt your day.
I s this a name that’s sprung from Wales?…
N oble land of pints and ales?
A las! Imagination fails!
N ow you’ll see a manly hero
I mitate the style of Nero:
urse and rant and shake the pillars,
O n track of all the worst of
L ook out! He’s
victim to the blues,
nd leaves Las Vegas slain by booze,
S hame on those who’re in his
atch him as the haunted biker
A gitates each fearful hiker.
hastly ghoulies ne'er surpassed him.
E ven Herzog chose
to cast him!
Filed under tags Nicolas Cage
D ollars tumble: Hear them crash,
O ceanic swarms of cash!
N ames on signs a mile high…
A somewhat less than modest guy.
L ocks of monstrous, flowing hair
D efend a brain that’s hardly there.
T his brutish bully, gossip says,
R eally hoped to be our prez!
U ncannily, we chose that ape!
M s. Clinton made a grand escape...
P assed through Chipotle…. with no rape!
Filed under Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Chipotle
A mong the angels on the screen
L et us celebrate this Queen…
I dealize her regal style,
C herish her delicious smile.
I f e’er that smile begins to dim,
A nticipate an outcome grim!
V oluptuous robotic lass
I nspires you with her programmed ass!
K nife-edged skills: She schemes and fights,
A nd Jason Bourne stays in her sights!
N ow see her glow with Love Uncanny:
D evoted to her Danish tranny!
E xclaim: “A baby’s in your path!”
R espect her fierce maternal wrath!
Filed under Alicia Vikander Ex Machina JasonBourne The Danish Girl The Light Between Oceans
L augh if you must, but she’s a doozy:
A singing, vamping, teasing floozy!
D ig her as she strikes a pose,
Y ou’ll love her form, her clinging clothes.
G lamour has a whole new style…
A lingering gaze is worth your while.
G osh! Her act is perfect when it
A rrives combined with Tony Bennett!
Filed under Lady Gaga Tony Bennett